and most of these characters don’t even meet each other. The font is massive, the chapters are James Patterson-level short. First off, this book has like six subplots going on, and it’s only 330 pages. The sheer stupidity of the plot and characters did indeed leave me breathless. Because apparently two decades is long enough before devolving into this level of self-imitation. It is in fact the setup of his 2009 non-hit, Breathless. If you thought I was describing Dean Koontz’s 1987 blockbuster hit, Watchers, you’d be wrong. From there unfolds a tale of massive government conspiracy and permanent changes in the natural order of things. They seemed to have escaped from a lab, or something. An ex-Army guy is out for a stroll when he sees something strange, life-changing: two creatures that look like dogs, but with human hands.

But you haven't even finished it! And it hasn't been checked for mistakes by our consultants! But what about "Breathless"? Should we shelf it?

Koontz, we've just received a 300 000 $ advance for the next Frankenstein story! BULLSHIT! You know how much do I sell ? MILLIONS! Millions of books! And you're just an ugly cow! Get out! GET OUT! Our source tells us that you got it all wrong and such theories can be easily disproved by basically anyone who knows how to use google. sorry to disturb you sir, but there seems to be a problem with your thesis on the theory of evolution. HAHAHA! Tell me mirror on the wall, who's the smartest of them all? And these poor bastards even think that I write fiction. My arguments are virtually uncounterable. Haha! These evolutionists can kiss my butt now.

I mean maybe put some refreshing thoughts into it? I even got a title that feels good - after all, it was a fabulous movie - Breathless! So there will be this dude who has a tragic past and this girl who has a tragic past and they'll fall in love and live in happiness. They've been buying such stuf for decades so it must be good. And they'll appear out of thin air! How awesome is that? Well.did I told you that these dogs will be special ? And does it sell ? Yes it does ! So shut up ! Besides it will be even more awesome than my last story about a guy a girl and a dog ! But you've been doing exactly that story for the last 20 years. Or two dogs ! And wait wait, these dogs, these dogs will be special ! Intelligent and all ! And they're all will be fighting evil government! So you know I devised this new cool story about this dude who mets this girl. Dude you've been writing for the last 40 years and you ask me that ? I'm your agent, not your muse !

Releases 4 books a year, and King came back from retirement.the bastard. Dude if you want to roll with us, you've got to stay fit. A new book ? eee.but I just completed the last one a week ago !